
Oh, no, I got nerve pain! But riding with pain will make it better, trust me :)

Let me tell you a little story about how I deal and overcome pain.

Yesterday I was riding along the SF bay area bike trail starting at Foster City. I had a CRPS Type II flare in the right leg. Riding makes it better. Chanting “I am healed” makes it better. I rarely own it as “My pain” but “The pain”.

I am grateful to be on the bike again after almost another year in bed from Jan 2019 – March 2020 and 3 years bed-bound in 1998 – 2001.

The wind blows, the air smells fresh. I am at therapy “cyclotherapy”. I ride by many other cyclists as I look at their bodies seeing their pain as a medical intuit who also sees colors. I struggle with wanting to stop and offer advice if others are open to it vs staying on my journey for the day of firing my muscles that have lost strength due to nerve damage.

As an high level athlete and Physio Therapist I know specifically how to use my pedal stroke to fire each muscle group needed.